This is a sample of what your ADD products screen will be like! Simply fill in the blanks, upload the picture you want from your computer and you create a new item on the page (category) on your site! There is also a screen to edit the existing products on your site, and a screen to delete a product. Please note.. this is a sample and will not function.

DELUXE Store Manager Quick Entry   
PRODUCT ID # (normally do not change this!) 
Price - No $ sign needed  
Shipping Price (Std) or
Shipping Wt (lbs -SBW module)
Option File - choose from the list of files in the options directory
Category - One word only
Product Name - 3 or 4 words
Image File - name.gif/.jpg/.png
Upload Image File(s):   
Description - Enter the Text & HTML describing the product.
User 1: User 2:
User 3: User 4:
User 5:       

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